Hajj Books Free Download In Urdu

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Hajj Books is one of the 5 basic articles of Islam, Download free which Fardh (obligatory) on hajj those who have the means books in urdu of reaching there.  Hadhrat Imam Ghazali (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: vIn this worship, such things have been ordered, which are beyond the comprehension of the intellect.  For e.g., throwing stones, running between Safa and Marw, etc.  Those things, which the mind can understand, they seem familiar to one's nature and one feels comfortable in performing them.  However, the perfection of our slavery to our Lord is that we heartily bow our heads to with all sincerity to His orders without thinking about the hows and whys of it and the perfection of the slave is in the obedience of the master and not in worrying about the wisdom of the command.

Whoever steps on this path should remove the very thought of bodily comfort from his (or her) heart.  He (or she) should take the thorns on the path to be flowerbeds, the dunes of sand to be silken bedspreads and the sweltering sun to be the cool early morning breeze.  His eyes should be full of tears in the separation from the beloved.  His heart should be restless for the city of the Beloved.  He should passionately stride forward and his gaze should not be raised for anybody apart from the Beloved.  Even the though of disobeying Him should not cross the heart.  Let alone, fighting with somebody, he should love even the dog of the Beloved, because the Beloved is aware of every stray thought that crosses the heart and His gaze is on every movement of his hands and legs.

The journey of Hajj should be spent happily and one should embrace piety in this journey.  One should perform Dhikr of Allah Ta'ala profusely and refrain from misbehavior and anger.  One should bear the misbehavior and the anger of others and embrace leniency and magnanimity.

 Translation of Hadith: The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Allah Ta'ala forgives all the sins of that person who dies either going to or coming from Makkah.  He will not have to account for his (or her) deeds and neither will his (or her) deeds be weighed.  He (or she) will keep getting the reward of Hajj until the Qiyamah.  This person will enter Jannah without any questioning and without any kind of punishment.

Translation of Hadith:  If a person stays in the plain of Arafaaton the day of Arafah, even for a short period of time, and thinks that Allah Ta'ala has not forgiven that person, then this is that person's greatest sin.

Translation of Hadith: The Sahabah (the companions) asked the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), what are the good deeds of the journey of Hajj?  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Feeding others and talking gently.

Translation of Hadith: Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah Ta'ala and did not talk to women about desires of the flesh and did not quarrel and/or abuse the fellow passengers, then while returning, that person will be so pure as if his mother has given birth to him on that very day.

Translation of Hadith: Offering 1 Raka'at in the Haram is like offering 100,000 Raka'at anywhere outside it and offering 1 Raka'at in my Masjid (Masjid Nabawi) is like offering 50,000 Raka'at anywhere outside it and offering 1 Raka'at in Bait Ul Muqaddis is like offering 25,000 Raka'at anywhere outside it.  Every good deed will be rewarded in this proportion only.
                                                          Hajj Books Free Download In Urdu 

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