Test Tube Baby Shariah Ruling About In Vitro Fertilization Download Pdf Book

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Test Tube Baby  Shariah Ruling About In Vitro Fertilization Free Download Islamic Book In English Pdf

It is given in Language of Medicine by Davy Ellen that from the ovumry of the woman a tube called fallopian tube goes towards the womb.  Anywhere between the end of the second week or the beginning of the fourth week, an ovum is released.  After intercourse, it is fertilized by sperm that enter the fallopian tube. Then the fertilized ovum travel through the fallopian tube and then the process of embryogenesis starts.

  The sperm are potent enough but for some reason, the man is not able to perform intercourse and then IVF is used to fertilize the ovum and later implant it in the womb.

The husband can perform intercourse but does not have enough sperm or if sperm are not potent enough to fertilize the ovum on their own.  In this case also, IVF is used.
Even apart from this, the age and the general health of the women play a pivotal role in conception.  The details of this are present on the authoritative website,

To perform IVF, the sperm of the husband and the ovum of the wife are collected.  To know the Shariah ruling about this, it is necessary to find out what methods are used for this and what the Shariah says about these methods.  Do they involve some thing which is expressly prohibited by the Shariah?

Usually, the semen of the husband is gained by masturbation and the wife is given hormones to increase the ovum production and then they are retrieved using a minor surgery.  Later on, the fertilized ovum is put back in the woman by a simple procedure.

Be it before a woman only, but this does involve undressing and nudity.  Nudity, without a reason deemed to be valid by the Shariah, is prohibited.  Does IVF constitute a valid enough reason for the Shariah to permit this?  Are the methods used to collect the sperm and the ovum permissible by the Shariah?  First we will talk about these questions...!

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