Jinnat ka postmortem Free Download Urdu Book Pdf
The book "Jinnat Ka Postmortem" is a book written about Jinns as the
book name "Jinnat Ka Postmortem" means "The postmortem of Jinns".Download another interesting book "Jinnat Ka Postmartem" in Urdu
language written by Sheikh Mubashir Hussain in the light of Qur'aan and
Jinnat ka postmortem
In the book "Jinnat Ka Postmortem", Mr. Sheikh Mubashir Hussain has
discussed all aspects and problems of Jinns according to Islamic point
of view. Mr. Sheikh Mubashir Hussain has also discussed about Astrology and its
status in Islam in his book "Jinnat Ka Postmortem". He has also
discussed about the relation of magic and Jinns in the this book.
He has also written the punishment of magician in Islam and narrated a true story of a real magician.
Mr. Sheikh Mubashir Hussain has also spotlighted various treatments for Jinn victim peoples.